pp. 9 & 10

            Cyclohexane:   Will also pucker, but does not have the same troubles as the
                                          4- and 5-membered ring systems.

planar cyclohexane

For a review on drawing cyclcohexane, please follow this link:

For a review on placing axial and equatorial substituents onto cyclcohexane, please follow this link.

The chair conformation gives rise to two types of hydrogens!!! (Not all hydrogens are equivalent).

axial and equatorial hydrogens

Along with the two chair conformations, there is a boat conformation as shown below.

boat conformation

Although the boat conformation is theoretically possible, it is almost never viewed, unless a system has severe steric constraints that hold it rigidly in this conformation.  The boat conformation is the least stable of all possible conformations and we will not discuss it beyond this point.

The chair conformations interconvert through a ÒTwist BoatÓ conformation as shown below:

twist boat

In unsubstituted cyclohexane systems, the chair flip will occur readily and quickly at room temperature.  When substituents are placed on the ring, however, the two chair conformers will be energetically different and one of them will predominate in the system.  Let us take a closer look at substituted cyclcohexane systems.

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